Rajec Valley, Josef Liska with his assistant Edo Lednicky working on the wood carvings of Monument (Love), February 2008
Rajec Valley, Josef Liska carving the wood carvings of Monument (Love), February 2008
Rajec Valley, Josef Liska working on the wood carvings of Monument (Love), February 2008
The Legacy is a short video in which Alberto Benzoni, Giuliana’s nephew, describes, in a fragmented way, the figure of Milan Sefanik. Born in 1935, Alberto Benzoni did not know Stefanik personally. He talk about him by repeating what he heard from his aunt, entwining historical facts with anecdotes and more intimate details.
The image of Stefanik is at the centre of the work Monument. The public is invited to observe a portrait of Stefanik, actually a tiny stamp, through an optical cone composed of a series of old gilded frames, which decrease in size.
Monument (Love) is a sculpture consisting of two large hearts carved in fibreboard and propped one against the other. The hearts are a perfect replica of the decorated biscuits commonly used in Slovakia. It was carved for the artist by a craftsman from the Rajec Valley, where woodwork is an ancient craft and is still widely practised (photos by Dusan Dobias).
The fourth work is the video The look of love: a cloud disappears from the sky in just over two minutes.