Turin, Carbone.to Gallery, Alternate Takes
curated by Luigi Fassi, February 2006
Turin, Carbone.to Gallery, Alternate Takes
curated by Luigi Fassi, February 2006
Turin, Carbone.to Gallery, Alternate Takes
curated by Luigi Fassi, February 2006
Turin, Carbone.to Gallery, Alternate Takes
curated by Luigi Fassi, February 2006
Ancona, Mole Vanvitelliana, Vertigo of Reality
curated by Gabriele Tinti, February 2012
Ancona, Mole Vanvitelliana, Vertigo of Reality
curated by Gabriele Tinti, February 2012
Ancona, Mole Vanvitelliana, Vertigo of Reality
curated by Gabriele Tinti, February 2012
Rijeka, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Smuggling Anthologies, curated by Sabina Salamon, Ana Peraica, Giuliana Carbi, October 2013
Rijeka, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Smuggling Anthologies, curated by Sabina Salamon, Ana Peraica, Giuliana Carbi, October 2013
Rijeka, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art
Smuggling Anthologies, curated by Sabina Salamon, Ana Peraica, Giuliana Carbi, October 2013
Nottingham, New Art Exchange, Residual: Traces of the Black Body
curated by Christine Eyene, March 2015
solo exhibitions:
Vertigo of Reality, curated by Gabriele Tinti, text by Luigi Fassi, Mole Vanvitelliana, Ancona, Italy (catalogue Allemandi & C. ISBN 978-88-422-2104-3)
Alternate Takes, text by Luigi Fassi, Carbone.to, Turin, Italy
group exhibitions:
Residual: Traces of the Black Body, curated by Christine Eyene, New Art Exchange, Nottingham, United Kingdom
Smuggling Anthologies, curated by Sabina Salamon, Ana Peraica, Giuliana Carbi, Trieste Contemporanea, Trieste, Italy and Municipal Museum of Idrija, Slovenia
Smuggling Anthologies, curated by Sabina Salamon, Ana Peraica, Giuliana Carbi, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka, Croatia
Questo mondo è fantastico. Venti anni con Guido Carbone, Palazzo Bricherasio, Turin, Italy
m-ia.net web launch, Coleman Projects, London, United Kingdom
Disegnando, Galleria Carbone.to, Turin, Italy
lectures & artist talks:
Iye Omoge, presentation (November 7), Smuggling Anthologies Conference, Museo Revoltella, Trieste, Italy
Black Torino. Tales of Nigerian diaspora in Italy, lecture (September 12), Smuggling Anthologies Symposium, Municipal Museum, Gewerkenegg castle, Idrija, Slovenia
Black Torino: Iye Omoge and other stories, lecture (October 23), Smuggling Anthologies Symposium, Astronomical Center, Rijeka, Croatia
Iye Omoge, presentation (October 23), International Conference Migration in Museums. Narratives of Diversity in Europe (23-25/10), Network Migration in Europe e.V., ICOM, Centre de Documentation sur les Migrations Humaines, Erinnerungstätte Notaufnahmelager Marienfelde, Berlin, Germany